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This was such a cute demo!!! I seriously ADORE your art style and character designs <3 I'm super excited for the full release to see where this goes!! All the content warnings have me so intrigued...!!

Also Paris... Paris is perfect. 

I'll be sure to check out your other stuff :D Even if this demo was short, it brought a smile to my face.

Thank you for playing! I'm very happy you like the characters and I hope to release an extended demo very soon :)

I have to admit... Your artwork REALLY creeps me out. xD
I think it's the eyes, mainly.
And maybe the grins.
Super, super-creepy.

....Paris in not mentioned on the page here.
Is that intentional?

I'm happy to see you gathering all the unlikable tropes into one person. ^_^
(I don't like jocks, red hair, or enemy-to-lovers stories. lol
Which should mean the others are safe from those traits, so yay. ^_^ )

Why the animal ears tho?
(Your style is really cute, but animal traits are not my favs.

Paris is obnoxiously cheerful... >_>

This story is very cute.

I think I like the book boy best (dark hair and he loves artwork and books lol), even if I'm not superfan of shyness.

Paris seems interesting, but his hobbies and likes are just...ugh.
And he's crazy cheerful. That alone might kill me. lol

I notice your story don't have the classical punk/rock-rebel-outside type. Do you have plans for one, or is it not a part of your evil scheme?

Small tip: If you want to attract people who like the kind of game you're making; put the warning on top of the page.
Otherwise they'll pass it by assuming it's all cotton candy cuteness.

(Your page's design tells everyone of the cotton candy cuteness without help. The warnings are needed to attract a darker crowd.)

Oh, and IF Paris turns into being the (only) yandere, and love choices is a trick... will he change his style to fit your tastes?

(Like the guy in 14 Days With You)

I realize it may be more work on the art for that, but it IS typical yandere behavior AND he's so, SO pink.... And I'm more... satanic, I guess. lol

Either way it's pretty well-written. And sugar-cute.

I'm pretty sure there is a place in Hell using your design to terrorize Goths. lol

I look forward to the next update. ^_^

(1 edit)

My reply is gonna contain mild spoilers for Paris in terms of his character (no spoilers about specific plot points).

So first off, yes, Paris not being mentioned in the game page is intentional. He is supposed to be the "secret" route that is mentioned in the game page. He's the only yandere in the game and won't show his yandere side until a very specific thing happens in each of the routes, the game  is a slow burn in terms of yandere content and won't show up prominently until about halfway through each route. Although there will be hints to it. And I'm glad you found him obnoxiously cheerful because that was the plan! I want players to either find him annoying.

In terms of Paris's personality he isn't actually as cheerful as he wants the MC to believe. However, his true personality won't show up until the end of a love interest's route or Paris's own route. For a punk/rock-rebel-outsider type Paris is gonna be the closest thing to that. Although I would say that he's more of an "emo" than a punk/rock-rebel-outsider. Since you mentioned you don't like how pink he and you asked if he is going to change himself for the MC I will say that he already is doing that, not because he knows that's what the MC likes, but because the pink and cheerful thing is what he THINKS that's what the MC likes.

Moving on, for the animal ears, yes, there is a reason that most characters have some type of "fantasy" feature. All my games are set within the same world and the animal ears thing connects to my main set of characters that I've been working on for years now. The explanation is really long and would make this comment way longer than it already is. I was going to fully explain it in my other game Heart Strings, but couldn't figure out a way to do that without it sounding kinda "exposition dumpy". However, I do want to make a game that focuses more on that aspect sometime in the future.

Also thanks for the tip! I'll definitely be moving the warnings to the top of the page!

Thank you for your comment and for playing my game!

I don't mind spoiler, personally. ^_^
I read mystery novels starting with the end. lol

Why? Shouldn't a yandere try to be someone that -could- win their beloved's heart?

(And the only one? What about the guy who left suspicious stains on your bed? Or was he in another game? I may have gotten them mixed up. lol)

Emo is good. I like emo. ^_^

And now his weirdly girly shit makes more sense....
He clearly need to practice his stalking.
(Or the game needs more options to pick your fashion-style and interests and have him mimic it. lol
But I get the clothing style part would likely be a pain to draw. But his interests fitting yours creepily close should be easy.
If you start the game with reading a magazine --choose type magazine for interests-- then throw it in the trash and dump it outside, you both choose your interest AND give a very subtle hint that he's stalking you. A.i: going through your trash. lol
Especially if it's a thing you hide from people, like maybe you don't want people to know you're into pink teen fashion or gaming --most things have a stigma in the wrong peer group.)

Then later he can just 'happen to have' your favorite drink (which you choice at the same time as reading your magazine)
Then he orders food and you can write "which was your favorite food, which is.....*insert choices here*"

And so on.

One thing is cute, two things suspicious, and at 3 things he just 'happens' to love just as much as you do, it starts getting creepy.
Especially things you never shared with anyone that you liked.

Ah, I see. 
And check Brandon McNulty on YouTube. He has a video about how to avoid info-dumping, while still letting the readers know what they need to know.
(Him and Tale Foundry are my go-to resources for writing tips. McNulty is a published author, and really good at explaining writing techniques using examples from movies.)

"Why? Shouldn't a yandere try to be someone that -could- win their beloved's heart?"

I should probably clarify that the reason Paris dresses and acts how he THINKS the MC would like is because in the current demo he doesn't have any feelings for her, just a passing fancy. He dresses like that because a certain person in his life dresses and acts that way and they are in a relationship. So, he believes that if he "becomes" them he'll get a girlfriend. At the moment he just dresses like that because he thinks that's the kind of thing he thinks girls are attracted to. He will very quickly develop an obsession with the MC and you can kind of see hints of that creeping in with the questions he asks you in class.

For picking your interests and what you like the game kinda already has that? When Paris asks you questions, for example, he asks you what traits you like in a partner. I'm planning on whatever you chose for that question affect his personality IE: If you chose you like a more affectionate partner he'll be more affectionate towards the MC, if you chose you like someone who's protective he'll act more jealous in the protective sense when you hang out with a different love interest instead of him. Like trying to make you think that the other love interest is a bad person.

Hope I was able to clarify that!

Ah, I see. That's a very...unique approach.
So he's not actually in love, he just wants a girlfriend?

Yeeeeah... I really struggled with that question. But I guess looking for evil villain qualities in a partner isn't very common. lol
Kinda wish there was a choice for something like "He needs to be someone I can admire" or something tho.
Isn't that common?
Is it normal to only care about what the boyfriend can do for you, instead of wanting them to be someone worth loving? o_O

(I will concede that I tend to think a bit too much like a yandere myself. *chough*
But I can't ever remember wanting a boyfriend who could protect me, love me, treat me nicely or whatever.
I only care about what they ARE, not what they do or feel towards me.
Although I suppose it's nice when they DO protect you... but it wouldn't be a thing I'd look for, specifically.)

I DO look forward to see how he changes based on the question tho. ^_^
(And for some reason I have flashback to Milo in Perfect Love. lol If you've played that game.
Tho I'm guessing the coding for such a game may be a pain. Especially with a more complex story than that game had.
Even IF Milo turns out amazing, since you basically control how he turns out.)

I wonder if you plan to make him more manipulative, or more violent, or both.  Or if that depends on your choices. (Like with Milo) ^_^

Either way I really look forward to the next update.
This game sounds like it's going to be amazing once it really gets going.

what a cute game,shame that not many people knows it....i wish more people can get attention to it,and i also love ur artstyle its really really cute xddd


Thank you! Thank you! I'm hoping to get an extended demo out within the next 2 months, thank you again for liking my game and art!

Coool game with a cute artstyle :) I love the script so far and would comment more when I finish the game 

Thank you so much for liking my game!^^