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It was quite the fun and relaxing visual novel. I love the aesthetics, they were so cute and dang you really didn't skimp out on the pinks and reds. I do wish we got to know more about Cupid and Anteros, especially about the shared past the two gods had with one another and the common link of their falling out.

I'm also curious about our MC and the gods connections to one another as I'm sure there must be something about them that genuinely caught their attention...

I'm thinking that MC must have been the reincarnated soul of Psyche, which is why Cupid was so obsessed over MC's love life status and why Anteros was keeping a close eye on them, making sure they wouldn't suffer despite his unrequited love.

The pacing did feel rush but genuinely the premise of the story is very interesting, I look forward in case there is ever a fleshed out story but as of now, it's really a nice way to pass time and have some fun with the routes (it was kinda sad getting the rejection endings on Anteros, way more than the yandere route LMAO)

Hello dear comrade!!! too controlling and doesn't allow me to respond to comments, so I came here to speak out

YOU ARE SO SWEET I JUST CAN'T EXPRESS HOW MUCH I love you and your reviews and your review on symptoms of deceit made me smile from ear to ear it's just perfect I'm in love with you please be happy in your life i wish you all the best of the best 



Okay, so I played this visual novel and it was pretty interesting! 

It's awesome that you can actually choose to not date anyone, even if it leads to a quicker ending, it's a great option to have 😊

Antheros is definitely cute, but Cupid is like... a bit much sometimes, just buzzing around.

The pacing though, is kinda strange. Like one day you’re just chill, and the next you're head-over-heels and ready to confess, which felt a bit sudden and illogical. Feels a bit rushed at the end there. Was there a word limit for the game or something?

In Cupid's route, I was hoping for more choices at the ice cream parlor.
I'm not really into the whole sweet and reliable thing, I'd love characters who are like, amazing, and cool, someone that I would genuinely admire and ideally a manipulative yandere. lol. 

The game is short but sweet, and honestly, it has a good number of choices for the playtime.

Thank you for liking my game and commenting! It's always well appreciated <3

Yeah, the ending of the game is a bit rushed. I was really trying to get this game out by Valentines last year. If I ever had the chance to revisit this game I would make there be more days and it would just be longer overall, more time for some character development.

I was aiming for Cupid to be more of a manipulative yandere, but because of time constraints I didn't really get to explore that in game, so I totally see where that comes from! If I revisit this game I definitely want there to be more time spent with Cupid and his relationship with Anteros.

Thank you again so much for liking the game! :D

I'll keep my fingers crossed that you'll find time to revise the game then. ^_^

I feel like this game could be pretty great if you had more time and put in the effort to make it great.

And also... if you (like most of humanity) are not particularly good at manipulation, feel free to ask me for books on the subject.
I have a pretty extensive collection.

Hello! I just want to let you know how much i love your game! ^^

I'm always sold for yandere characters !! nyahahaha hehe


i want to hug anteros that's it

Very cute game <3

Huh I only found 10 endings total are there more some how?

If you tell me which endings you found I can help you get the other two, also the “true end” isn’t numbered, but it is ending number 12

I got all endings 1-10 how do I get the two other please I tried all options and am not getting anything? for both cupid and anteros am I missing something?

(1 edit)

I’ll make a walkthrough right now! It should be up soon, I also realize I made a mistake, there are only eleven endings