Regarding the future of TMA (and new project announcment!)

Hello everyone! In this devlog I would like to share with you all some news about The Magician's Assistant and the future of the game.

I was hoping that day 3 of the game was going to release by the end of the month, but now that seems to not be the case anymore. I have been really busy with the end of my junior year and haven't had any time to work on the game. I have also gotten bored of the game since I have so many other ideas for different games, but I have constricted myself to only focus on one game at a time (minus games that are done for game jams). So I have decided that the updates for day 4 & 5 are going to be part of one update, this way the game can get finished in a more reasonable time and I can start focusing on my other games. I also have a solid idea of when day 3 will be released! Day 3 will be released before the end of June! To hold you all down until the release date I have some CGs to share with you from day 3 of The Magician's Assistant:

Horse back riding with Leander :D

Alice's family photo :o

And as for the other news...

I have decided to make a revamp of my first game Heart Strings!

For this year's otome jam I am remaking my first game Heart Strings. I have learned a lot about making visual novels over the past year and have decided that it's time that I remake my very first game. This time the game will be fully complete (minus one LI) and have updated sprites and backgrounds!

Thank you for reading and if you would like to follow the progress of any of my games check out my tumblr:

Get The Magician's Assistant [Demo]


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Nooooo :'(