Postmortem (Plus new game announcment!)

Hello! The full game of "The Magician's Assistant" has been out for almost 2 weeks now and I wanted to write a postmortem for it reflecting on the creation of this game. This is going to be a post with a lot of rambling so I'm going to put headers for certain points in this devlog in case you want to only read a specific part.

But before I begin...

Thank you for 200+ downloads! :D I can't believe the game has more than 200 downloads thank you to everyone who has played, rated, and commented on the game ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡


When I first made Leander I was in my art class and for our first project of the year we were supposed to draw a piece that had 5 elements of art in it. During this time I was obsessed with the character Lyney from Genshin Impact so I wanted to draw some type of magician character. I started drawing and came up with this for the final drawing:

He hasn't changed much in terms of design, but as I was drawing him I couldn't help but think of the story behind him. 


The story of TMA has changed a lot from the early concept. My first idea for the game was that the MC would BE Leander's assistant and that it would take place in the modern day rather than in the past. However, I was very inspired by the victorian era and I wanted to create a story that took place during that time period. So I changed the time period and made Elizabeth the assistant instead of the MC.

Other Characters

For the other characters I wanted to make them have their own special place within the story. I came up with the idea for Alice because I noticed that I couldn't find any other yandere characters that had any kind of lover within their game other than that games MC. For Amelia I wanted to have a character that was related to Alice in some way and not tied to Leander in any way shape or form. And finally, Elizabeth I wanted to be the driving force for the games canon ending, she is what the game is named after and has a special role within Leander's backstory.

Thank You

Again I wanted to thank everyone who has played my game, it means a lot to me that people actually play and enjoy my games (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶) So finally, thank you and I hope you stick around for my future projects!

Next Game Announcement!

Before I head off I wanted to announce my next game! While I will still be keeping the title a secret I will share a little about it with you! This game will be a dating sim set in a prestigious high school and it will span over the entire school year. This game will have a canon protagonist who's name is changeable. There are four love interests with a secret route when you finish all of the other endings. This game will be another yandere game, but there is only one yandere, so the other love interests are just normal dating sim love interests.

Here is a drawing of the protagonist:

She's very cute and I really like how her design came out (≧ᗜ≦)

Thank you for reading this very long post, I hope to see you in my other projects!

Get The Magician's Assistant


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You have a very cute art style, and I am really looking forward to your next game!

Thank you for your support (˶ˆᗜˆ˵) look out for the demo coming out soon!